
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you,
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

God has called us to make disciples “as we are going” into all the world. That means building His Kingdom right where you live and on the other side of the world. This is why our philosophy of missions involves balance. We want to find where God is at work and join Him in what He is doing both at home and abroad. This is a big reason why we create ministries and support, volunteer, and work with people and organizations that are building the Kingdom…
—In our city (Jerusalem): The Stewpot, B4B, Agape Fund
 — In our country (Judea & Samaria): Tim & Kim Wardell
— Around the world (ends of the earth): The Samsons, Children Of Promise

Missionaries  &  Ministries

The Samsons

Amy was raised right here in Natchez and is the daughter of Del & Renea Loy who planted Crosspoint. Edwin is Filipino but was raised in California. They live in Manila with their two children, Josiah and Amalie.
We love their desire to reclaim dark places for Christ. They are building Christian communities where ones currently do no exist by reaching unreached people groups in the Philippines and beyond.
Crosspoint proudly financially supports the Samsons monthly.

The Wardells

Tim & Kim Wardell are missionaries to the Lakota Sioux people. They live in Allen, SD on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The Lakota are a proud people and the Wardells are working to restore that by helping them find their identity in Jesus. For them, this means the ministry of presence — always ready for the moment God is leading them into.  This can mean facilitating church VBS teams, leading parenting classes, distributing Christmas “shoe-box” gifts, and a million other things in between. Crosspoint proudly financially supports the Wardells monthly.

The Stewpot

The Stewpot is a local non-profit feeding organization/ministry located just outside of downtown Natchez and has been in operation for over 35 years. They cook and feed/distribute approximately 300 hot meals 7 days a week — 365 days a year. 60% of those meals are delivered by volunteers to those who, for a variety of reasons, cannot leave their homes. The rest of the meals are served at the building. This work is done by 2 paid staff cooks and an army of volunteers. Crosspoint proudly financially supports The Stewpot monthly. Pastor Marcus is also the Director.

Children Of Promise

Children of Promise is the global child sponsorship program of the Church of God (Anderson).
Through partnerships with local churches in other countries, they provide for educational, medical, nutritional, and (most importantly) spiritual needs for impoverished children.
Several children are sponsored by members of our congregation, in countries spanning from Ecuador to The Philippines.
Learn more here: CHILDREN OF PROMISE

Blessings 4 Bulldogs

“B4B” is an outreach ministry of Crosspoint to what is now Morgantown Elementary. There is a weekend backpack feeding program, food drives, encouraging cards for the kids, and we never miss an opportunity to bless the teachers and staff and different times of the year.

Agape Fund

A percentage of the tithes and offerings we receive each month is placed in the Agape Fund. This money is used to meet the needs of those within our church family AND in the Miss-Lou community as a whole. Agape is the Greek word used to describe how God’s love. So this is always a ”no strings attached” gift of love that we use to help people in their times of need. 

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Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to [LOCATION]

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