What We Believe


...a non-denominational congregation. We hold to the classic orthodox confessions of faith that The Church has always held to, as summarized in the NICENE-CONSTANTINOPOLITAN CREED, the APOSTLES' CREED, and the CHALCEDONIAN DEFINITION . Below are a some of the major points of emphasis for The Church and for our congregation.


God exists eternally as Trinity - Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. There is not a time when God was "not". God is the only necessary being. All things that exist were made by Him and exist within Him. The existence of all things is contingent upon His existence. There is not a place that exists where God is not present. God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omni-present (present everywhere, all at once, with His entire being).
God is perfect and complete, lacking in nothing necessary. His nature is one of holy, non-self-referential love, and He will never do anything outside of or contradictory to His nature. Holy-Love is the central characteristic of who God is. All that He does, all that He creates, and how He interacts with Himself and His creation flows out of His Holy-Love.


Scripture is God's self-revealing, inspired Word. It contains everything that is necessary to know about God and to know God. The Old Testament and New Testament make up the 66 books of the Bible. The God revealed in Scripture is the same from beginning to end. Scripture reveals to us all things necessary for life and godliness. It is NOT a book of rules and regulations for living right, but rather a book that introduces us to who God is, how He made us in His image, and that He came to meet us in our sin and save us through the person of Jesus Christ. In essence, Scripture reveals to us Who made us and who we were made to be.


God created mankind in His image and likeness. Then man rebelled, choosing creation over the Creator. From that point forward, all humanity has been born broken and lost in sin, BUT with a longing to be reconciled to our Creator in an intimate relationship that once existed in the Garden of Eden. God has been on a rescue mission since that rebellion in the Garden, culminating in the person of Jesus Christ.
The Son, the Second Person of the Trinity (Jesus Christ) assumed humanity; lived the perfect, sinless life Adam failed to on our behalf; atoned for all of humanity's sin by His death on the cross; was victorious over sin and its effects (death) in His resurrection; and by His blood we can have our sin(s) washed away and be brought back into relationship with God. Jesus is the only way to be saved.
God has gifted humanity with free will and allows us to choose each day whether or not we want to be in relationship with Him. This is because He loves us, and real love cannot be forced. It must be freely given and freely reciprocated. Choosing Jesus cannot be a one-time thing. It must be a daily choice to walk with Him.

Christian Living

Salvation is not a one-time, past-tense event. According to Scripture, a person might say "I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved." It matters how you live. Part of salvation is not just the beginning but the ongoing growth in our relationship with Christ. God desires to re-shape us back into the Image of His Son Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the heart of all believers, we are empowered to live the life God has created us for. This means:
- Reading/studying/knowing God's Word, the Bible.
- Following the commands of God which, above all else, include loving God above everything and loving people the way God loves people (as evidenced in Jesus).
- Living pure, holy lives dedicated to God.
- Being in regular fellowship with a body of believers.
- Being in regular fellowship with God through prayer.
- Serving the Church in some capacity.
- Discipling newer believers to help them grow in their faith.
- Reaching out to non-believers with the Gospel, discipling them to faith in Christ.
- This includes our local community, our country, and all around the world.

The Church

The Church is NOT a building or a thing that we do on Sundays. The Church is the body of Christ. It is not limited to any one particular denomination or congregation but is made up of all the people, all around the world who have chosen to follow Jesus. We believe, however, that being connected to a local congregation is a necessary and vital part of the Christian life.
The Church is meant to represent Jesus in this world and to this world. We are meant to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Church is to be a disciple-making organization that impacts the world for Christ. We are to be full of grace, love, and peace; reaching out to all people, of all kinds. Jesus loves every person, right where they are, just as they are. He also loves every person too much to leave them that way. This is the mission of The Church: to properly communicate this love and grace and offer a life-giving place where real-life transformation can take place.


Heaven and hell are real places as described in the Bible. Hell was not created for humanity but for Satan and his demons. At some point, Jesus will return to mark the end of times. At that point there will be only two kinds of people: those who know and love Christ and those who do not. Those who know Christ will spend eternity with Him, worshipping with all the saints of history. We call this Heaven. Those who have rejected the salvation Christ offered will spend eternity in a place the Bible describes as dark, painful, and lonely. We call this Hell. This is done by our own choosing. God does not make anyone go to hell, we make our own choice in this life of where we want to spend eternity.


Crosspoint is a non-denominational congregation. However, we voluntarily choose to be affiliated with a group of congregations around the world known as the CHURCH OF GOD MOVEMENT, headquartered in Anderson, IN. It should be noted that there are other groups with a similar name (i.e. Pentecostal Church Of God), but we are distinct  from them.  All congregations in our movement are completely autonomous, governing themselves. This allows us autonomy and accountability; freedom and fellowship. We strongly believe in every believer's, and therefore every congregation's, need for fellowship and accountability. It reminds us the we are never alone. Our desire is to be a movement within the larger Church that promotes unity within the Body. We have a larger Church family that supports us in our times of need and celebrates with us in our moments of triumph. Being connected with other believers is both a valuable and necessary part of the Christian life.

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